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TerraModeler User Guide

Navigation: Tool Reference > Managing Surfaces

Utility pulldown menu

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Utility pulldown menu

Menu commands from Utility pulldown menu in the Surfaces window are used to create derived surface models from existing surfaces, to validate the elevation accuracy of a surface model, and to produce output files in batch mode.


Use command

View surface statistics

View statistics

Create a copy of a surface

Copy surface

Create a combined surface from two surfaces

Merge surfaces

Subtract elevations of two surfaces

Subtract surfaces

Create a statistical grid surface model

Statistical model

Check surface model elevations against ground control points

Output control report

Create contour lines in batch mode

Produce contours Not Lite, Not UAV

Create lattice files in batch mode

Produce lattice models Not Lite, Not UAV

Create triangles in batch mode

Produce triangles Not Lite, Not UAV

Work with lattice databases

Lattice database Not Lite, Not UAV


TerraModeler User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd