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TerraScan User Guide

Split Building

b_split_buildingSplit Building tool cuts out a part of a building complex. This part is then treated as own separate building model.

To split a building into two building models:

1. Draw a fence around the building part that you want to cut out.

2. Select Split Building tool.


1. Select Split Building tool.

2. Draw a line by placing the two end points with data clicks. The line represents the splitting line for the building model.

3. Move the mouse pointer inside a CAD file view.

The two building parts are highlighted with blue and red coloring.

4. Accept the two building parts with a data click inside a view.

This splits the building. The area outside the fence or on one side of the line stays as active building. The area completely inside the fence or on the other side of the line becomes a new building model that is put at the end of the list in the Check Building Models dialog.

TerraScan User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd