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TerraScan User Guide

Remove Patch

b_remove_patchRemove Patch tool removes a single building patch.

To remove a building patch:

1. Select Remove Patch tool.

2. Move the mouse pointer inside a view.

A patch is dynamically highlighted if the mouse pointer is inside a patch.

3. Select a patch with a data click.

This removes the patch from the building model. You can continue with step 3.

You can remove all patches of an active building model. Nevertheless, the model still exists in the list and stays active. You can apply additional processing steps, such as recomputing the model using the Recompute button of the Check Building Models dialog or creating a new model with the help of the Extrude Building tool. If you want to delete a model completely, use the Delete button of the Check Building Models dialog.

TerraScan User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd