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Output Tree Cells

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Output Tree Cells

Not Spatix

tr_output_tree_cellsOutput Tree Cells tool creates a tabulator-delimited text file for selected tree cells. The text file contains the attributes of the tree cell, such as the scientific name of the tree species, XY coordinates of the tree depending on the cell placement method (Highest point - center of the tree crown or Trunk - trunk base point on the ground), elevation coordinate of the tree XY point on the ground, height, crown width, and trunk base width.

The text file is suited for importing tree information into a database. Tree cells can also be drawn into a CAD file by reading the file with the Read / Tree cells command from the TerraScan window.

To output tree cells:

1. Select tree cells with any Selection tool.

2. Select Output Tree Cells tool.

This opens the Tree output file dialog, a standard Windows dialog for saving files.

3. Define a location and name for the output file. You may add an extension to the file name, such as .CSV or .TXT.

4. Click Save in order to save the text file.

TerraScan User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd