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TerraPhoto User Guide


Delete commands remove color points from the file. There are different options to define the color points that are deleted:

One point - a manually selected color point is removed.

Inside fence - all color points that are located inside a Bentley CAD fence or inside a selected shape are removed.

Outside fence - all color points that are located outside a Bentley CAD fence or outside a selected shape are removed.

Inactive images - all color points that use inactive images are removed.

To delete one color point:

1. Select Delete / One point command from the Point pulldown menu.

If the mouse pointer is moved inside a view, the color point closest to the mouse pointer is highlighted. In addition, images that are used in the color point are marked with a line.

2. Identify the color point which you want to delete with a data click.

You can continue by identifying the next color point you want to delete.

3. Update the view using the CAD platform tool to make changes visible.

4. Save the color points using Save or Save As commands from the File pulldown menu in order to save the color points into a file.

The Delete Color Point tool from the Color Points toolbar performs the same action.

To delete color points inside/outside a fence:

1. Draw a fence with Bentley CAD Place fence tool around color points you want to delete.


1. Draw a shape with any CAD platform tool around the color points you want to delete. Select the shape.

2. Select Delete / Inside fence command from the Point pulldown menu.

This opens an alert dialog that shows how many points are deleted and asks for confirmation.

3. Click Yes in order to delete the color points.

4. Update the view using the CAD platform tool to make color changes visible.

5. Save the color points using Save or Save As commands from the File pulldown menu in order to save the color points into a file.

The procedure is analog for deleting points outside a fence.

To delete color points in inactive images

1. Select Delete / Inactive images command from the Point pulldown menu.

This opens an alert dialog that shows how many points are deleted and asks for confirmation.

2. Click Yes in order to delete the color points.

3. Update the view using the CAD platform tool to make color changes visible.

4. Save the color points using Save or Save As commands from the File pulldown menu in order to save the color points into a file.

The process deletes color points from images with their Rectify status set to No. See Edit command for modifying the status of one or more images.

TerraPhoto User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd