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TerraPhoto User Guide


Edit command lets you modify a color point.

To edit a color point:

1. Select Edit command from the Point pulldown menu.

2. If the mouse pointer is moved into the view, the color point closest to the mouse pointer is highlighted.

3. Select the color point for editing by a data click.

This opens the Color point dialog:


Left side: List of images involved in the color point calculation. The left point shows the coloring before color correction, the right point after correction.

Right side: Image preview, input fields for color point attributes.

4. Make modifications to the color point and click OK.

5. Update the view using the CAD platform tool in order to make changes visible.

6. Save the color points using Save or Save As commands from the File pulldown menu in order to save the color points into a file.




Indicates, how much a source image influences the average target color. To set the weight for an image, select it in list of images on the left side of the dialog. Images close to the color point have a big default weight value. More distant images have a smaller default weight value.

Delete image

Deletes the selected image from color point computation.


Modifies the size of the color point. This effects the color point in all images.


Modifies the type of the color point:

Average - intensity and color values are averaged at the location of the color point.

Grey average - color values are balanced in order to get the averaged gray value.

Fixed - values for Hue , Saturation , and Value can be set manually.

Reference - colors from reference images are use for target color calculation. Requires an image attached as TerraPhoto reference at the location of color point.


Hue value of the color point between 0 and 359. This is only available for color points of type Fixed.


Saturation value of the color point between 0 and 100. This is only available for color points of type Fixed.


Value value of the color point between 0 and 100. This is only available for color points of type Fixed.

The Edit Color Point tool from the Color Points toolbar performs the same action.

TerraPhoto User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd