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Write Buildings to Database

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Write Buildings to Database

b_write_buildings_to_databaseWrite Buildings to Database tool writes building models to a 3D City Database (3DCityDB). This requires the connection of TerraScan with the 3DCityDB. The connection parameters are defined in the City databases category of TerraScan Settings.

The 3D City Database is a free geo database to store, represent, and manage virtual 3D city models on top of a standard spatial relational database. The database schema implements the CityGML standard for storing geometry and semantic information of urban objects. More information, instructions for 3DCityDB setup and examples are available on the official internet pages of 3D City Database.

You may update building models stored in a 3DCityDB by reading the models, modify them based on a newer point cloud/image data set, and write them back to the database. In this scenario, the CAD file acts only as temporary working environment. The building models are only stored in the database.

To write buildings to a 3DCityDB:

1. (Optional) Define building models you want to write to the database either by selecting the models or by drawing a fence around the models.

2. Select Write Buildings to Database tool.

This opens the Write Buildings to Database dialog:


3. Define settings and click OK.

This writes the building models to the database.




Name of the 3DCityDB as defined in the City databases category of TerraScan Settings.


Determines what building models are written to the database:

All buildings - all building models in the CAD file.

Selected buildings - building models that have been selected before starting the tool.

Inside fence - buildings models that are inside a fence drawn before starting the tool.


Level-of-detail of the building models. Refers to the LOD definition of the CityGML standard:

LOD1 - building models without roof structure and plane walls.

LOD2 - building models with roof structure and plane walls. This is the LOD of building models produced by TerraScan vectorization tools from aerial point cloud data.

Write method

Method of writing building models to the database:

Add to database - new models are written to the database. Use this if models do not yet exist in the database.

Replace by Id - a model replaces an existing model with identical ID. This can be used if existing models in the database are updated. The ID identifies each model in a unique way.

Replace by centroid -  a model replaces an existing model with the same centroid coordinate. This may be used if the model ID is not usable for an update case.

Write textures

If on, texture images are stored in the database as well.

If off, only the geometry of the models is stored.

TerraScan User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd