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Fit Geometry Components

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Fit Geometry Components

Not Lite, Not UAV

r_fit_geometry_componentFit Geometry Components tool starts the component fitting module of TerraScan. The module creates design geometry built from the geometry components lines, arcs, and clothoids. The aim is to create a geometry from these components that forms the best match to a surveyed alignment of a road, a railroad, or a pipeline. The module finds the best fit for both horizontal and vertical geometry.

The module and the creation of geometry components serves different purposes:

Data exchange - view the current geometry of a road/railroad/pipeline in design software such as Bentley InRoads, Bentley Track, etc and/or export the geometry into LandXML or Tekla 11/12 format. Design software may only accept certain geometry components for linear features.

Road surface analysis - find long span deformations of road surfaces.

Object design comparison - compare existing object geometry components with design recommendations.

The tool starts from a 3D centerline element that can be created, for example, based on ALS or MMS data.

To start the component fitting module of TerraScan:

1. Use the any Selection tool in order to select a centerline element that represents the surveyed object.

2. Select the Fit Geometry Components tool.

This starts the module and opens the Components Fitting window.

The processing workflow for component fitting and the commands of the window are explained in detail in Chapter Fit Geometry Components.

TerraScan User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd