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TerraScan User Guide

Build Step Corner

b_build_step_cornerBuild Step Corner tool detaches a vertex and moves it along an incoming/outgoing edge segment. Only the vertex is moved, the effected segment should be aligned in a separate step using the Align Edge Segment tool.

To build a step corner:

1. Select Build Step Corner tool.

2. Move the mouse pointer inside a view.

The edge segment and vertex to be detached closest to the mouse pointer is dynamically highlighted.

3. Define the vertex to detach and move with a data click.

This updates the Detail view and displays the image that sees the selected vertex location best. If you move the mouse pointer, the new vertex location is dynamically displayed.

4. Define the new location of the vertex with a data click.

This places the vertex at the new location. You can continue with step 3.

TerraScan User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd