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Convert time stamps

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Convert time stamps

Not Lite

Convert time stamps command can be used to convert the format of time stamps. Supported conversions are:

GPS seconds-of-week to GPS standard time

Unix time to GPS standard time

GPS standard time to GPS seconds-of-week

Unix time to GPS seconds-of-week

The modification effects the time stamps of all or selected images in the active image list.

The command can also be used to manipulate time stamps by multiplication or addition.

To convert time stamps:

1. Select Convert time stamps command from the Images pulldown menu.

This opens the Convert time stamps dialog:


2. Define settings for the conversion.

3. Click OK.

This converts the image time stamps to the new format.

4. Select Save list or Save list As commands from the Images pulldown menu in order to save the changes into an image list file.



Apply to

Images for which the computation of new angles is applied:

All images - all images in the image list.

Selected images - selected images only. This requires the selection of images in the image list before the command is started.


Method for computing new time stamps:

Source and target system - conversion between two time systems.

Multiply and add constant - current time stamps are multiplied by the given factor and a given value is added.

Current values

Original time stamp format of the trajectory positions. This is only active if Method is set to Source and target system.

Convert to

Target time stamp format. This is only active if Method is set to Source and target system.

Survey date

Date when the images were captured. The format is day / month / year. The date should be given within 2-3 days of the actual surveying day. This is only active for the conversion from GPS seconds-of-week to GPS standard time.

Multiply by

Factor by which time stamps are multiplied. This is only active if Method is set to Multiply and add constant.


Amount of seconds added to the time stamps. This is only active if Method is set to Multiply and add constant.

TerraPhoto User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd