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TerraScan User Guide

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Apply Intersection Line

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Apply Intersection Line

b_apply_intersection_lineApply Intersection Line tool replaces edge segment(s) between two planar patches with an intersection line of two planes. This may move the original edge segment(s) and vertices to another location in order to match the exact intersection of the planes. Unnecessary intermediate vertices are removed from the resulting intersection line.

To apply an intersection line:

1. Select Apply Intersection Line tool.

The Apply Intersection Line dialog opens:


2. Define whether all segments or only one segment is effected by the tool.

3. Move the mouse pointer inside a view.

The location of the intersection line between two patches closest to the mouse pointer is dynamically highlighted.

4. Accept the intersection line with a data click.

This sets the intersection line, adjusts vertices if necessary, and deletes unnecessary intermediate vertices along the intersection line. You can continue with step 2 or 4.



Apply to

Defines the edge segments effected by the tool:

All segments - all edge segments are replaced by the intersection line.

One segment - only one edge segment is replaced by the intersection line.

The tool adjusts vertices in order to apply an intersection line between two patches. If several intersection lines are connected in one vertex, it might be necessary to apply the tool several times to the edges. Then, the location of the vertices is more and more refined until intersection lines can be applied to all edges.

TerraScan User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd