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Scale intensity

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Scale intensity

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Scale intensity action manipulates the intensity values of points. It computes new intensity values according to a selected method:

Direct scale - the new intensity value is the result of adding and/or multiplying the old value with given values.

Angle of incidence - the new intensity value is computed based on the angle of incidence of a point and a given factor. The higher the factor, the stronger the effect of the intensity correction. The method requires that normal vectors are available, they have to be computed for each line separately, for example by the Compute normal vectors routine, before applying the method. The computation effects only points of planar dimension. The method is suited for MLS data sets for which the intensity values vary systematically depending on the angle of incidence of the laser beam.

Stretch spread - the new intensity value is computed based on the median and spread values of the old values.

The Direct scale and Stretch spread methods are useful for adjusting intensity values of different scanners, lines, or data collection days to each other. You can check the average, median, and spread values of loaded points by using the Addon / View histogram command. The values shown in the Laser intensity histogram window can be used as basis for the input values of the Scale intensity action.





Only points in the given line(s) are effected. Use a comma or minus to separate several line numbers, for example 2-5,10. 0-65535 refers to all lines.


Only points captured by the given scanner(s) are effected. Use a comma or minus to separate several scanner numbers, for example 1-3,5. 0-255 refers to all scanners.


Point class(es) that are effected by the process.


Opens the Select classes dialog which contains the list of active classes in TerraScan. You can select multiple source classes from the list that are then used in the Class field.


Method of computing new intensity values: Direct scale, Angle of incidence, or Stretch spread.

New value

Values for computing the new intensity value of a point. This is only active if Method is set to Direct scale.


Determines how strong the effect of intensity value computation based on angle of incidence is. This is only active if Method is set to Angle of incidence.

Current median

Current median of intensity values. This is only active if Method is set to Stretch spread.

Current spread

Current spread of intensity values. This is only active if Method is set to Stretch spread.

New median

Target median of intensity values. This is only active if Method is set to Stretch spread.

New spread

Target spread of intensity values. This is only active if Method is set to Stretch spread.

Max value

Maximum allowed intensity value.

Return value: Number of points that were effected by the process.

TerraScan User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd