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TerraScan User Guide

Navigation: Batch Processing Reference > Classification Routines > Groups


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Trees routine classifies groups of points that are captured from tree crowns. It can be used for mobile laser data sets. The routine requires that normal vectors have been computed using the Compute normal vectors command or corresponding macro action. The normal vector attributes can be stored for points in TerraScan FastBinary files. The routine classifies irregular groups of points.

Further, it is recommended to classify points above the ground into a separate class, so that this class contains points in an elevation range above ground where tree crowns are included.

The routine requires that points have been assigned to groups using the Assign groups command or corresponding macro action.




From class

Source class(es).


Opens the Select classes dialog which contains the list of active classes in TerraScan. You can select multiple source classes from the list that are then used in the From class field.

To class

Target class.

Min height

Minimum height of a point group above ground considered for classification.

Min width

Minimum width of a point group considered for classification.

Inside fence only

If on, points inside a fence or selected polygon(s) are classified.

Another way to classify trees is provided by the By best match routine for point groups.

TerraScan User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd