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TerraPhoto User Guide

Find first bad

Find first bad command finds the first color point at a location where a raw image has an intensity value larger or smaller than a given limit. This command is useful when you want to check color points that are effected by very bright or dark images.

To find the first bad color point:

1. Select Find first bad command from the Point pulldown menu.

This opens the Find first bad color point dialog:


2. Select what kind of images you want to check: Bright raw image or Dark raw image.

3. Define a limit in the Intensity field.

4. Click OK.

The software finds the first color point with a larger or smaller intensity value than the given limit. The view is updated in order to show the color point location. The color point is highlighted with a cross as long as the mouse pointer is located inside the view.

The dialog for Editing the color point can be opened directly by another data click as long as the color point is highlighted.

TerraPhoto User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd