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TerraModeler User Guide

Navigation: Tool Reference > Managing Surfaces > View pulldown menu

Sort by

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Sort by

Sort by command sorts the list of loaded surface models according to the selected attribute. The sub-menu includes the following options:

Internal ID - sorts increasing by the internal number of the surface model.

Name - sorts alphabetically increasing by the name of the surface model.

Type - sorts alphabetically increasing by the type of the surface model.

File name - sorts alphabetically increasing by the file name of the surface model.

Point count - sorts decreasing by the amount of points contained in the surface models.

The order of surface models in the list determines the drawing order of the models in the CAD file. Models that appear first in the list are drawn before models that appear further down in the list. Depending on the display method, this may result in only the last model in the list being visible in top views if surface models overlap.

To sort surface models:

1. Select an option from Sort by command from the View pulldown menu.

This sort the surface model list according to the selected attribute.

TerraModeler User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd