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Place Slope Arrow

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Place Slope Arrow

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dsi_place_slope_arrowPlace Slope Arrow tool places a single slope arrow. The slope arrow shows the direction of water flow at a given location. The arrow length indicates the steepness of the surface at that location.

The shape of the slope arrows can be defined in Place Slope Arrow / Arrows category of the TerraModeler Settings. It is further determined by the active symbology settings in the CAD file. In addition, a label showing the gradient of the slope can be placed for each slope arrow. The label settings are defined in Place Slope Arrow / Labels category of the TerraModeler Settings.

To place a single slope arrow:

1. Select the Place Slope Arrow tool.

This opens the Place Slope Arrow dialog:


2. Select a Surface model for which slope arrows are placed.

3. Move the mouse pointer inside a view.

The slope arrow is dynamically displayed at the mouse pointer location.

4. Confirm the arrow location with a data click.

A slope arrow is drawn at the given location. You can continue with steps 2 or 3.

TerraModeler User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd