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Construct Breakline

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Construct Breakline

ep_construct_breaklineConstruct Breakline tool constructs or removes breaklines between existing points in a model. Breaklines effect the way a model is triangulated. In this context, a breakline is a triangle edge connecting two points in the surface model. Thus, constructing or removing breaklines does not effect the actual points in a model, but it changes the way those points are connected by the triangle network.

The tool prompts you to identify two points in a surface model. A breakline is constructed, if the two points are not already connected by a breakline of the same type. If the two points are connected by a breakline of the same type, this tool removes the existing breakline.

To construct or remove breaklines:

1. Select the Construct Breakline tool.

The Construct Breakline dialog opens:


2. Select a view for breakline display with a data click inside the view.

Breaklines inside the selected view are highlighted with colors according to the breakline type.

3. Define settings in the dialog.

4. Identify a first point in the model.

5. Identify a second point in the model.

A breakline is constructed or removed. You can continue with steps 3 or 4.




Name of the surface for which to add or remove breaklines.


Type of the new breakline points: Hard breakline, Soft breakline or Guided breakline. See also Breakline types.

Draw hard

Preview color for hard breaklines.

Draw soft

Preview color for soft breaklines.

Draw guided

Preview color for guided breaklines.

Attempting to construct a breakline may fail because:

The new breakline would intersect an existing breakline. Breaklines can not intersect each other. Try to remove the old breakline first.

The two points are far apart. Try to construct a shorter breakline first.

The breakline would break through a very large number of triangle edges. Try to construct a shorter breakline first.

TerraModeler User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd