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TerraScan User Guide


Sort command sorts loaded laser points according to the selected attribute. The sub-menu includes the following options for sorting points:

By time stamp - points are sorted by increasing time stamps. This is the recommmended order for processes that rely on trajectory positions, such as cut overlap, classify by range, and most of the TerraMatch processes.

By line and time - points are sorted by increasing line numbers and time stamps.

By line, scanner and time - points are sorted by increasing line numbers, scanner numbers and time stamps.

By xy location - points are sorted geographically by increasing xy location. This is the recommended order for processes that rely on geometrical conditions between points in the point cloud. Especially for photogrammetric point clouds, this order is strongly recommended in order to speed up many automatic processes.

By increasing X - points are sorted by increasing easting coordinate values.

By decreasing X - points are sorted by decreasing easting coordinate values.

By increasing Y - points are sorted by increasing northing coordinate values.

By decreasing Y - points are sorted by decreasing northing coordinate values.

By increasing Z - points are sorted by increasing elevation coordinate values.

By decreasing Z - points are sorted by decreasing elevation coordinate values.

To sort laser points:

1. Select an option from the Sort sub-menu from the Tools pulldown menu.

This sort the points according to the selected attribute.

If points from neighboring blocks are loaded in addition to the active block, the points of both are sorted independently.

TerraScan User Guide   13.09.2022   © 2022 Terrasolid Ltd