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TerraScan User Guide

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By echo

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By echo

Not Lite

By echo routine classifies points based on echo type or echo number. Echo type and echo number can be stored as attributes for each laser point. Echo number is stored only in TerraScan FastBinary files, LAS files, or user-defined text file formats that include the echo number attribute.




From class

Source class(es).

From echo

Echo type from which to classify points:

Only echo - only echo from a return signal.

First of many - first echo from a return signal which produced at least two echoes.

Intermediate - intermediate echo(es) from a return signal which produced at least three echoes.

Last of many - last echo from a return signal which produced at least two echoes.

Any first - combination of Only echo and First of many.

Any last - combination of Only echo and Last of many.

First... Seventh - points with a specific echo number. This requires a file format that stores the echo number as attribute for each point.

Zero number - points with zero as echo number.

Zero count - points with zero as echo count.

To class

Target class to classify points into.

Inside fence only

If on, points inside a fence or selected polygon(s) are classified.

TerraScan User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd