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Project Into Profile

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Project Into Profile

Not Spatix

p_project_into_profileProject Into Profile tool projects 3D elements into a profile. This tool creates a copy of the element with its coordinates translated into the profile's coordinate system.

The element to be projected has to be a cell or a linear element. The element should be positioned within the extents of the profile alignment.

Linear elements are projected as a line string or a complex chain into profile cells. The application calculates a line string that approximates an arc, an ellipse, or a curve. The symbology of the elements in the profile is determined by the symbology of the original element.

To project element(s) into a profile:

1. Select the Project Into Profile tool.

2. Identify a profile into which the element(s) are projected.

3. Identify an element to project.

4. Accept the element with another data click.

The element is projected into the profile. You can continue with step 3.


1. Select element(s) to project.

2. Select the Project Into Profile tool.

3. Identify a profile into which the element(s) are projected.

4. Accept the element(s) with another data click.

The element(s) are projected into the profile.

The Project Into Profile tool works only as long as the alignment element for a profile is drawn in the CAD file. Once the alignment element is deleted, the projection of element into a profile is no longer possible.

TerraModeler User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd