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File formats / User trajectory formats

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File formats / User trajectory formats

User trajectory formats category in File formats folder contains a list of user-defined trajectory formats. You can define your own file formats which can be used when reading in trajectory information from text files.

For the definition of trajectory formats, the same steps and settings apply as for point formats described above in File formats / User point formats. The differences in usage and attributes are listed in the table below.



Use for

Defines the usage of the format:

Input only - files of this format can be loaded into TerraScan using the Import files command from the Manage Trajectories dialog.

Output only - files of this format can be saved into new text files using the Output positions command from the Manage Trajectories dialog.

Input and output - files of this format can be loaded into TerraScan and saved into text files.

No field

Selection of what trajectory position attribute is stored in the field:

No field - no field defined in the text file.

Ignore - the column in the text file is ignored.

Time - time stamp.

Easting, Northing, Elevation - XYZ coordinates.

Longitude, Latitude - position in degrees, minutes, and seconds.

Heading, Roll, Pitch - orientation angles.

Quaternion0...3 - rotation expressed as quaternion values.

X|Y|Z accuracy - accuracy estimates for XYZ position values.

Heading|Roll|Pitch accuracy - accuracy estimates for orientation angle values.

Trajectory formats are stored in a configuration file TRAJFMT.INF in the TerraScan installation folder. You can copy this file to other computers in order to make trajectory formats available on them.

TerraScan User Guide   13.09.2022   © 2022 Terrasolid Ltd