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TerraScan User Guide

Navigation: Batch Processing Reference > Classification Routines > Points

By intensity

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By intensity

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By intensity routine classifies points within a given range of amplitude, intensity or reflectance values. These value can be stored as attribute for each laser point.

The routine can be used to quickly classify points that are possible hits on rails or on paint markings because the metal surface or the white paintings produce high intensity values while the surrounding area, such as dark gravel or asphalt often result in low intensity values.




From class

Source class(es).


Opens the Select classes dialog which contains the list of active classes in TerraScan. You can select multiple source classes from the list that are then used in the From class field.

To class

Target class.


Point attribute used for the classification:

Amplitude - Riegl Extra Byte attribute.

Intensity - common intensity attribute, representation of the pulse return magnitude.

Reflectance - Riegl Extra Byte attribute.


Determines which points are classified:

Point itself - points with an intensity value in the given range are classified.

Later echoes - points with last and intermediate echo types are classified if the intensity value of the point with first echo type of the same return signal is within the given range. Points with first and only echo types are not effected with this setting.

Earlier echoes - points with first and intermediate echo types are classified if the intensity value of the point with last echo type of the same return signal is within the given range. Points with last and only echo types are not effected with this setting.


Range of amplitude values within which a point is classified. The routine classifies points with MinAmp <= Amplitude <= MaxAmp. MinAmp and MaxAmp are given in absolute amplitude values and may range from 0 to 65535.


Range of intensity values within which a point is classified. The routine classifies points with MinInt <= Intensity <= MaxInt. MinInt and MaxInt are given in absolute intensity values and may range from 0 to 65535.


Range of reflectance values within which a point is classified. The routine classifies points with MinRef <= Reflectance <= MaxRef. MinRef and MaxRef are given in absolute Reflectance values and may range from ‑32768 to 32767.

Inside fence only

If on, points inside a fence or selected polygon(s) are classified.

TerraScan User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd