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TerraScan User Guide

Navigation: Batch Processing Reference > Classification Routines > Points


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Buildings routine classifies points on building roofs which form a planar surface. The routine requires that ground points have been before. It is also advisable to classify points above the ground into a separate class, so that this class contains points in an elevation range above ground where building roofs are included.

The routine starts from empty areas in the ground class and tries to find points on planar surfaces above these areas.




Ground class

Point class that contains points on the ground.

From class

Source class(es).

To class

Target class.

Inside fence only

If on, points inside a fence or selected polygon(s) are classified.

Accept using

Defines how easily a group of points is accepted as building roof points. The more strict the rules, the closer the points must follow a plane surface.

Minimum size

Smallest size of a building footprint. Points are only classified if the footprint area of the whole building is larger than the given value.

Z tolerance

Minimum elevation difference of a point from the plane fitted through the points on a roof. The value is related to the noise level of the points on roof planes.

Use echo information

If on, the echo type attribute of laser points is considered in the classification process. This can support the classification because points on roofs mostly belong to the echo type ‘only echo’ whereas vegetation usually contains lot of ‘first of many’ and ‘intermediate’ echoes.

TerraScan User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd