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TerraPhoto User Guide

Navigation: Project Workflow

Mission Setup

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Mission Setup

This chapter describes the basic steps required to setup a project in TerraPhoto. TerraPhoto refers to a project with the term ‘mission’.

The task of setting up a mission includes the following steps:

1. Create a suitable directory structure on the hard disk for storing the data.

2. Create or copy an initial camera calibration file.

3. Create a mission definition.

4. Create an image list.

5. Create thumbnails (optional).

The production of rectified images or orthophotos, as well as the placement of certain types of tie points require a ground model. The ground model can be loaded into TerraPhoto either from laser points loaded in TerraScan or directly from a laser point file. Most often it makes sense to load the ground model as one step of the mission setup workflow, for example, after defining the mission.

TerraPhoto User Guide   01.01.2024   © 2024 Terrasolid Ltd